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Breastfeed with


Professional, compassionate support to ease the transition

My Mission

is to help mothers feel confident in breastfeeding their infants anytime, anywhere. You will also learn and understand the normal course of human infant feeding and newborn care, to help mothers continue breastfeeding as long as they and their babies desire.

Coming Soon!


After having a minor (or major) freak out about my milk supply decreasing, I reached out to Shannon for some advice. She was a huge help and made me feel so much better about my situation. She had a few suggestions but ultimately gave me the best piece of advice, “feed your baby, not your fridge.”

I implemented all her suggestions and of all them, not to freak out. Sure enough, my supply went back to 2-3 oz and momma and baby are great!

I can’t recommend enough, how much better I felt after talking to her and being assured this is normal. Shannon helped my anxiety and nervousness about being a new mom and this breastfeeding journey feel like I had it under control. I’m so thankful for her advice and friendship!

~ Miggie ~

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